My Tai is from CMAntylaBlackWarGrizzmon of Tribal Adoptions!
As you wander from realm to realm, you suddenly find youself in yet another deceptively peaceful field. Long grass waves lazily in a gentle breeze and the trees stand about like idle sentries. There is no sound save your own breath and that of the wind coupled with the swishing of the grass as it moves. It is a peaceful place, so you settle yourself beneath a venerable old oak and gaze up into the branches above you, your thoughts drifting about in your mind like leaves floating on a slow river. You notice the eyes first. Then you quickly come to realize that you are staring directly into a furry black and white face. Stifling a shriek of surprise, you gulp and open your mouth to speak. Before you can make some sort of statement, the creature leaps down next to you and cocks its head to the side in curiousity. "Well, state your name and purpose here." His fur bristles slightly as he bares his sharp teeth, but he doesn't seem afraid. You quickly tell him your name, and that you were simply wandering through the DragonSpeaker's realms, like a self-guided tour. He relaxes visibly at the name, but still keeps a close watch on you. "Very well. I will believe your story, but don't try anything." You wonder briefly at his suspicious attitude. "I am Thalron Emrays, a Tai. I am the ruler of this place, and I don't take kindly to strangers..." He trails off, leaving you to wonder how many come and how many actually leave. He sits silently, watching you with his golden eyes. He is colored like a border collie, though his body shape is different. You carefully ask why he is so cautious of visitors. Surprisingly, his reply is not so bellicose as you had been expecting, "People cannot always be trusted... Sometimes they come not to visit, but to steal. To steal creatures like me." You nod sadly in agreement, knowing what he meant and the truth of the statement. His mood suddenly seems to brighten and he stands again. "Would you like to play a bit? Then I can show you the way to the next realm." You stand too and agree with a smile. "All right, you're it!" He tags you and runs through the tall grass, leaving you to give chase in a crazy game of tag. After a long game, you collapse together under the same ancient oak tree, tired but happy. "The next realm is through this tree," Thalron Emrays suddenly says. "Just walks straight into it and you will reach the road again." You thank him and touch the rich dark fur once in farewell before standing in front of the tree. "Er... good luck on your journey!" He calls after you as you fade into the rough greyish bark and the hidden portal's magic envelopes your senses. Thalron Emrays was certainly fierce and moody, but quite the loyal friend.
Name: Thalron Emrays
Meaning: "strength within" or
"strength lies within"
Origin: Old Tongue of Inaka
ID: t06m
About this Tai: This particular male is a bit on the aggressive side.
He is very protectiive of himself and his owner and extremely moody.
Strangers approach this guy at their own risk.
Coloration: Border Collie