Lepaori Haven
My Leps are from DrkJediGrrl at The Lepaori Shoal!
Name: Therondach
ID#: lp21-03
Gender: Male
Color: Blue Storm Cloud
Genes: f
Role: Alpha Male
Name: Aenya
ID#: lp01-13
Gender: Female
Color: Cinna Fade
Genes: m, i, l
Role: Alpha Female
Aenya's beanie is called Hallaith
Name: Adewyr
ID#: lp20-03
Gender: Male
Color: Golden Idol
Genes: b, d
Note: Triplet to lp20-04 & lp20-05
Role: Hunter
Name: Arearin
ID#: lp20-04
Gender: Male
Color: Golden Idol
Genes: b, d
Note: Triplet to lp20-03 & lp20-05
Role: Hunter
Name: Agroth
ID#: lp20-05
Gender: Male
Color: Golden Idol
Genes: b, d
Note: Triplet to lp20-03 & lp20-04
Role: Hunter
Name: Kohana
Meaning: "swift"
Origin: Sioux
ID#: lp52-10
Gender: Male
Color: Summer's Day
Genes: l
Note: Defective l gene;
can still be passed to offspring
Role: Apprentice Healer

Name: Kanoa
Meaning: "the free one"
Origin: Hawaiian
ID#: lp57-07
Gender: Male
Color: AtlantiCat
Genes: l, f
Role: Apprentice Seer
Kanoa's Beanie is called Khani

These two sisters are very special.
They're wild-caught tribal lepaori.
They have tribal markings tattooed on their bodies and their manes
and tails are bound with silver cuffs they made themselves.
Name: Mirala
ID#: lp57-04
Gender: Female
Color: Henna
Genes: b, l
Special: Tribal tattoos, silver cuffs
Note: Sister of lp57-05
Role: Tribal Musician
Name: Kestari
ID#: lp57-05
Gender: Female
Color: Henna Dark
Genes: no mutations
Special: Tribal tattoos, silver cuffs
Note: Sister of lp57-04
Role: Tribal Loremaster