Home of my Equral
Versaith Glen
All Equral are from Kitianya at The Clan of the Equral!
Name: Ice Deer
Real Name: Maletrani Alder
ID: E101Fs
Gender: Female
Rank: Shaman
Markings: Blue Speckling, Blue Tribal Birth Marks
Tattoos: Frosted Spiral, Frosted Star, Red, Yellow & Blue Flowery Design
Genes: (TT)TaDB Z
Lineage: 2Ms X 2Fs
Member of Clan Stormchaser
Name: Aileon Casetrei
ID: E101Mh
Gender: Male
Rank: Hunter
Markings: Blue Striping
Genes: (TT)Ta Z
Lineage: 2Ms X 2Fs
Member of Clan Stormchaser
Name: Meadowdance
Real Name: Ervatalson
ID: E102Fs
Gender: Female
Rank: Shaman
Tattoos: Nebula Betterfly, Frosted Flower, Red, Yellow & Purple Equal Armed Cross
Genes: (TT)Ta Lb
Lineage: 2Ms X 2Fs
Member of Clan Stormchaser
Name: Kier'san the Starcaller
ID: E102Ms
Gender: Male
Rank: Shaman
Markings: Taupe Splatching, Taupe Tribal Birth Marks
Tattoos: Frosted Flame, Star, Red & Blue Sun
Genes: TT DBTa Z
Lineage: 2Ms X 2Fs
Member of Clan Stormchaser
Name: Calemaenoth Bloodborn
ID: Ec01Ml
Rank: Leader
Gender: Male
Markings: Dark Blue Stripes
Tattoos: Cresent & Ivy Leaf
Notes: Natural Born Leader, Paw Print Birth Mark
Genes: (FW) MW DRDB Dbr
Member of Clan Stormchaser
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